What they say about us
News 20 May 2024, Aiic Awards to Francesca Santucci
Clinical Engineering, Innovation, and Aiic Awards: Innovative, Practical, Useful, and Accessible Technology
Francesca Santucci has been honored with the award for “Innovative Bioengineering Applications” for her project titled “Exploring Wearable Systems for Seismocardiographic Information Extraction” at Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome. This award acknowledges Francesca’s remarkable contributions to the field of bioengineering, showcasing the potential of wearable technology to monitor cardiac data in an effective and non-invasive manner.
The Aiic Awards initiative aims to foster excellence and innovation within clinical engineering, emphasizing the need for technological solutions that are both cutting-edge and practical for everyday use. Santucci’s awarded project marks a significant milestone in the enhancement of health monitoring techniques, underlining the promise of new technologies in delivering practical and accessible tools for patient care.
The news of Francesca Santucci’s achievement and the innovative project has been widely published in numerous journals, reflecting the broad interest and significance of this breakthrough in the medical and scientific community.
Interview on TG Poste
On Thursday 15 December students of the Master in Homeland Security directed by Prof. Setola visited the headquarters of Poste Italiane where they were shown the concrete application of the security sistems they learned during the course. On that occasion, Prof. Roberto Setola stressed the importance of training professionals to work in infrastructure security.
To see the report on that event click here
TIG Newsletter 29 April 2024, Interview with Prof. Setola
The NIS 2 Directive and Implications for Small and Medium Enterprises: Interview with Prof. Roberto Setola
In an interview conducted by TIG (The Innovation Group), Prof. Roberto Setola discusses the implications of the NIS 2 directive for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The imminent adoption of this directive in Europe promises a significant strengthening of network and information system security, with a particular emphasis on cyber resilience at the community level.
One of the key innovations introduced by the NIS 2 directive is the obligation for a wide range of companies, including SMEs with a turnover exceeding 50 million euros, to assess and manage risks related to their supply chain. This marks an important regulatory change that will require SMEs to review their cybersecurity strategy.
Prof. Setola highlights two main points emerging from the analysis of cybersecurity requirements demanded by large organizations from their suppliers. Firstly, while technology plays a fundamental role, large companies place strong emphasis on the implementation of security procedures and staff training. This means that SMEs must focus not only on technological investments but also on creating a company culture oriented towards security.
Furthermore, despite many specifications not explicitly requiring security certifications, companies may still be subject to checks falling within the scope of such certifications. This highlights a trend towards greater ongoing attention to cybersecurity, rather than merely acquiring certification.
Finally, Prof. Setola underscores the emerging need to classify data according to the level of security required, an aspect often overlooked by existing regulations and certifications. Some large companies are already considering this aspect in response to the results of the analysis conducted, demonstrating an increasing commitment to protecting sensitive data.
In conclusion, the interview highlights how the imminent adoption of the NIS 2 directive requires SMEs to adopt a broader view of cybersecurity, focusing not only on technologies but also on internal procedures and staff training. Only in this way can they ensure an adequate level of security and meet the requirements of large clients, while reducing the risks of attacks and financial losses.
Roberto SetolaNew article on CybersecurityItalia
IP cameras. Out of about 10,000, 4% are accessible, because the default password is not changed.
In an increasingly fast-paced world, the convenience of installation and configuration takes precedence over many other aspects, including security and privacy. Indeed, a quick configuration is preferred over the security of one’s personal data. The study, and the results it brought, prompt reflection on the lack of awareness that exists today among most of the users who operate on the internet.
The analysis conducted by University Campus BioMedico of Rome highlighted how starting from a device designed to increase the security level of an environment (IP Cameras), it is possible to acquire user’s personal data and contacts, allowing any attacker to expand the perimeter of attack towards every directly connected service. Thus, it seems clear that it’s necessary to raise more and more awareness of the issue, in order to limit unpleasant events such as data breaches related not only to the devices studied but also to third-party services that integrate and extend their operation.
CybersecurityItaliaFrancesco Flammini's lecture Campus Bio-Medico of Rome 27th July, 2022
Prof. Roberto Setola guest on
Rome, 1-2 March 2022
Cybersecurity has by now become a strategic area for all the Countries, ranging from Defence & Security to industrial policy, technological development and geopolitical implications.
CyberSec2022 is an event promoted by Cybersecurity Italia, the online newspaper created to be the meeting point between companies and experts interested in the consistent growth of the country’s security system, its public administrations and its businesses, with the aim of interacting with institutions, decision-makers politicians, regulatory authorities, professionals, university and research world.
Here a part of the interview: https://bit.ly/3tIRJo5
The digital transformation is profoundly changing the way we live. This is why it is necessary to make a serious effort to implement national cybersecurity strategies to detect, prevent and deter cyber attacks, responding in a coordinated manner with the various institutions involved.
The Cybersecurity National Lab intends to contribute to the creation of the national cybersecurity ecosystem, putting in place the excellence of cybersecurity research in Italy and offering public and institutional decision-makers their contribution to secure the Italian cyberspace and increasing the competitiveness of the country.
Interview on Rainews24
On Friday 13 November Rainews24 broadcasted a special dedicated on the investigation “Data Thief in Healthcare” by Federico Marconi and Giorgio Saracino.
The investigation deals with cyber-attacks in the pharmaceutical and healthcare world and also concerns theft of documents not only by state-backed hackers. The news video winners of the ninth edition of the Roberto Morrione Award for investigative journalism.
In the following the interview with Professor Roberto Setola
Interview Setola Data Thief in Healthcare
Federico Marconi and Giorgio Saracino
Roberto Setola and Luca Faramondi guests on
BFC Forbes – Forbes GREEN Carpet
Enzo Argante (Forbes)
Study conference “Flussi dell’informazione e processi decisionali”
Speech by Professor Roberto Setola
Interconnection and Interdependence
Roberto SetolaNew article on Automazione Plus
I dati sono la nuova moneta, le memorie sono il nuovo oro
Automazione Plus
New Article on Research Italy ResearchItaly (English version) or ResearchItaly (Italian version)
Drones in rescue operations everywhere
Bringing help to inaccessible locations by using drones is the aim of the “Drones for Healthcare” project carried out by Consorzio Elis , which promotes innovation by supporting young entrepreneurs.
Research ItalyNew Interview on insidertrend.it
Interview with Professor Roberto Setola
COVID-19: Monitoring and control measures of the population through the medium of cellphones
New article on La Repubblica
Repubblica_Coronavirus Roma la fase due.
The rules to start up again – entering phase two of the national lockdown measures
The Lazio Sicuro project will cooperate with a task force of LazioLab, involving many University Professors such as Professor Roberto Setola
La RepubblicaNew Interview on Panorama
A compromise between privacy and security
Putting into practise phase two of the lockdown measures in Italy, the treatment of health data becomes more and more important. A well-balanced approach is needed
New article on ANSA
The security of the citizen thanks to a new app developed together with Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
Luca Faramondi, Research Fellow at the laboratorio of Automatics explains how to increase the security level, especially in these days.
ANSAArticle on TN en vivo
Coronavirus: digital trasformation in hospitals
Luca Faramondi, Research Fellow at the laboratorio of Automatics explains the importance of Healthcare 4.0.
TN en vivo